Invite to a Ribbon Cutting CeremonyAn invitation for a ribbon cutting ceremony requires more detail about the actual cutting ceremony then the activities. Local business leaders, government offices, vendors, family, and news media organizations are key participants in the ribbon cutting ceremony and should receive special invitations.  These individuals will require the exact time to be present, details on where to park, and who they need to contact upon arrival. The ribbon cutting invitation requests these guests to RSVP along with the number of attendees’ accompanying them. Send the invitations two – three week in advance so key figures have ample time to adjust their personal schedules.

These are key pieces of information that should be included in your grand opening ribbon cutting invitations design.

  • Company name
  • Full fire address
  • Full contact information – phone, email, and website
  • Date & time
  • RSVP date & contact telephone number
  • Dress attire
  • Ribbon cutting time
  • Schedule of grand opening activities

The tone of the invitations should conform to the responsibilities of the attendee. Since grand opening events theoretically have two formats, the ribbon cutting ceremony and the grand opening event, you need to design two invitations accordingly.

Grand Opening Event Invitations

A grand opening event invitation is for non key personnel. As a new business to the community, it is appropriate to send grand opening invites to Chamber of Commerce members, adjacent companies, vendors, and select business associates. Basic information about the grand opening event and activities will be included in the invite. Many of the attendees will come during the event and not the ribbon cutting ceremony. The goal of the invites is to highlight activities and special sales. These grand opening invite should include

  • Company name
  • Location
  • Date & Time of the scheduled activities
  • Specials being offered
  • Gift Information

Designing two invites for a grand opening event will insure both groups will have all the essential data to attend the grand opening.

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